Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Catch-and-Chug

The Afredo Griffins will be going for an unprecedented 4th consecutive 5th place finish in the TCSSC co-ed non-competitive softball division this coming Monday. As the interim GM (filling in for longtime manager Mike Foley who happens to be in Cambodia on his honeymoon), I have done everything in my power to motivate the team. I've gone out and recruited the best available "talent" to replace last-minute bailers. I've re-enacted obscenity-laden tirades. I've even refused to wash my jersey for weeks on end (there is now something indescribably foul growing on it).

But in the end, nothing can motivate a group of elite co-ed non-competitive athletes like the promise of a cooler filled with Lucky Lager, and the vow to re-enact the famed Wrigley "Catch-and-Chug" in the event of a win.

If this motivational ploy doesn't win me manager of the year, nothing ever will. Move over, Tony D'Amato.

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