The Village of Dornoch is located less than 11 kilometers north of the Town of Durham on Highway 6 in Grey County, Ontario, Canada.
Dornoch is situated 11 kilometers south of Williamsford and 33 kilometers south of Owen Sound.
The village is primarily a small farming community on the outskirts of Durham, but does have a convenience store that is known for its photography and ice cream, a community hall that is used for small events as well as the recently rebuilt Dawg House Inn.
Yep... I think that pretty well covers it.

Bubbles was a great help in getting the place ready Saturday morning.

The Hesters totally represented in Dornochapalooza this year. A job well done.
If a new mother is whispering about her baby to your girlfriend, is this a good thing?... Atta boy Ronnie!!!

Yes. That is a Coronoa bottle. And yes, they get an early start at Dornochapalooza.
The only way to prepare for an intense game of CITY vs. Burbs... By slamming back Diet Buds.
There was simply no answer for Sully on this afternoon. Not even Gord Crowther (grey moustache) could shut him down.
Was there ever any doubt that The Bomber was draining the wining bucket in this tilt?

(Final Score: Blake-Ronnie-Sully-Bomber 22 - 20 Rosco-Ghosher-Gordo-Sean)
These ladies couldn't get enough of our athletic prowess. And really, who could blame them?
And while some people were resting up for the night ahead...
The rest of us were clearly acting our age... if this was 1998.
Not only did he dominate on the hard-court, Sully also made short work of the funnel. Some guys are just blessed with more talent than they know what to do with.
Tent City: Sunset.
The fire would have been nowhere were it not for Uncle Petey dominating the stoking duties. The thing about being an adult (and an officer of the law, no less) is that you can throw as much wood on the fire as you like, and my dad won't even bother to call you a dickhead (as would be the case if it were one of his children)
The Triumphant return of Uncle Johnny and Porno Paul.
Line of the evening, courtesy of my Uncle Ken:
Ken (upon meeting my friend Randi for the first time): "Who are YOU?... You are NICE!!!"
The advantages of buying a child-sized tent for $11.99: compact, light-weight.
The disadvantages of buying a child-sized tent for $11.99: Uncle Johnny might take it upon himself to move it; along with it's entire contents; to a more appropriate location.
The White Wife Beater: official uniform of Dornochapalooza 2009.
It is impossible to take a photo of Rosco without later learning of a covert flashing of the bird. I've known the man for more than a decade, have seen him develop his technique over the years, and can legitimately say that he's truly coming into his prime with that gesture. Catching a photo with Rosco at this juncture of his career is like watching the E Street Band in the summer of '78.
Mothers and Daughters. Best Friends. This is a beautiful thing.
Is burning the family Christmas tree considered dysfunctional family fun?
The Bomber and Blundell were officially awarded the Masterton Trophy for showing up despite the fact that The Bomber needed to be at work at 6 o'clock Sunday morning... Holy F#CK!!!
Lisa McCallum's fireside set of Girls Will be Girls / Chip on Her Shoulder / Better brought the house down. There's a good chance that people may one day telling their children about seeing her in such an intimate setting.
It wouldn't be Dornochapalooza without the Edelmans...

...Or Smokey sitting inside someone's car.
Ladies love Dornoch...
...And straight Gangster Rap...
...And John Ghosh.
Things generally begin to spiral out of control round about the time that the Beirut tournament gets underway. This was the first official "Argi Memorial Beirut Tournament".
Team Ramrod were the Vegas favourites going in...
But they were unequivocally dominated in the first round by this magnificent duo...
...Who were eventually dismissed by the Rosco-Ronnie combo. There was simply no answer for the Hebrew Heaver... Clutch doesn't even begin to describe his performance.
(backing away slowly...)

Thanks to everyone who attended this year. It was an absolute blast. A special thanks to those who provided the photos: Randi, TVB, Susan, and Marcella. And of course, all of the accolades in the world to my parents. I have no idea how they pull it off every year, but needless to say, none of this could happen without them.
Looking forward to seeing you all next year at Dornochapalooza 2010.
Faboulous time as usual.
Dave & I thank everyone for coming this year.
Thanks to the clean up crew - I believe the team leader was Blake (right Paula?).
We have lots of stuff that was left behind. Please let me know if you are missing a pillow, coolers etc.
Sean - you did us proud with this Blog entry as usual. Great Job.
Thanks for using some of my pics....and putting up the not so fabulous photo of me :D Dornoch rocks!!! The ice cream shop sells Stoney Creek Dairy, the best chocolate peanut butter ice cream ever. Which was a perfectly sweet ending to a wonderful weekend
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