
The guys sitting ringside for HBO are in their wheelhouse here.
- "Indeed, he kissed Vargas behind the ear... which prompted Vargas to knock the living shit out of him..."
- "With a name like Titsworth, he's lucky he didn't feel him up!"
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.
Of course, this little episode of foreplay is a distant second in the pantheon of homoerotic fighting moments, miles behind Mike Tyson's infamous "I'll fuck you 'till you love me!" offer, and just slightly ahead of every single MMA event ever held.
By the way, the slow motion replay of the sensual kiss on the neck followed by the subsequent haymaker that almost breaks Titsworth's jaw is like a metaphor for my entire college dating career... And by "metaphor" I mean pinpoint re-creation of actual events.
Tonight, the Toronto Maple Leafs are raising Wendel Clark's #17 to the rafters at the Air Canada Centre. I for one, will be in attendance, thanks to my buddy Dunner's last minute hookup.
In what was unquestionably the darkest period in the history of one of hockey's most storied franchises, Wendel Clark was the lone beaconing light. He embodied everything that Toronto ever wanted in a hockey player: fearless leadership, an unfathomable toughness, a gritty, scorer's touch, a flair for the dramatic, and a moustache.
In all of the time I spent at Maple Leaf Gardens growing up, he was without question the main reason people continued to pack that grand old building. His open ice hits were the stuff of legends. His fights were little short of epic. He was one of Brophy's Boys. He was everything a hockey player should be.
The most heroic hockey I've ever seen played came courtesy of Wendel Clark during the 1993 Campbell Conference Finals. Early in the series, Wendel had laid a beating on Marty Mcsorley after Marty had caught Dougie Gilmour with his head down coming across the middle. That fight is hands down the most famous in the history of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and I'll never forget the front page of The Toronto Sun the next day, showing the extent of the price Mcsorley had paid for the elbow on Gimour with a world class shiner.
But it was Game 6 of the series, in L.A., that put Wendel into the pantheon for me. I stayed up all night watching that game with my dad, and when Wendel buried a hat trick, his third goal sending the game into overtime, I remember thinking that I'd never seen a performance like the one The Captain was delivering. This was our leader, playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs, and he was outplaying the greatest hockey player who ever lived. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
When Wayne Gretzky eventually broke my heart by tapping home the overtime winner for the Kings, I had tears in my eyes, and through a voice breaking with emotion, I remember telling my dad that it just wasn't fair.
It was the only time in my life that I can remember crying because of one of my teams losing. Wendel had done everything humanly possible to take the Leafs to the Stanley Cup finals, and it still wasn't enough.
Sports has never meant as much to me as it did in the spring of 1993, when Wendel Clark was the best hockey player in the world.
One more note on how much Wendel Clark means to the City of Toronto.
I was out with my buddies Foley and Joe last night. The three of us are rocking fantastic moustaches for Movember. Usually, when you tell someone that you're growing a moustache to raise money for prostate cancer research, the response is pretty ho-hum. "That's great. Good luck with everything. You look like an idiot." Pretty standard stuff.
In any event, we were being drunk and disorderly at a little local pub, and the conversation invariably turned to the honouring of Wendel's #17 tonight. There was some dude with a hard-on for Wendel talking about how he was the best player he'd ever seen, and how if you had a team full of guys with half of Wendel's heart, you'd win the Cup every year... I told this guy that there was a group of us going to the game tonight, and that, in fact, Wendel's honouring was the reason that we were all growing moustaches.
His response?
Two seconds later, some other dude walks over and says, "I'm sorry for interupting, but I just overheard you say that you guys grew those moustaches for Wendel... You guys are my fucking heroes!"
Prostate cancer? Yawn... To show your love for Wendel Clark? Drinks on the house all night long.
Only in Toronto. And you wouldn't want it any other way.
OK... Sean, you may be disappointed in your little brother.... after all of 6 days I officially bailed for Movember… however, in an effort to give you an update and rank the Mo’s that I have seen thusfar, here ya go:
Tied for 1.) Sheen: Shenboro clearly gets the nod for #1 for the fact that he is representing his stash independently in Peru and most people there probably think he is Uncle Pete. Nothing like a first impression in a foreign country. The handle bars are a nice touch - No one else has conquered the handle bars north of the border. You may have the advantage in growing them since you are not going to work every day, however none of those details matter in Movember. I can only imagine you tripping out on whatever potion you drank in the jungle while having that stash…..
Tied for 1.) D-Hib: He also gets awarded #1 for putting the most effort into the contest. He has grown one of the most bushy, well-groomed stash’s I have ever seen. He has died it so it stands out from the colour of his hair and has even gone as far as getting his barber to trim it up. He gets reduced points for starting the contest about 2 weeks early, but even with the deductions, he is still tied for #1. D-Hib, you will never get props from me again, so enjoy it.
2.) Rosco: Mr Friedman is deserving of #2 because he now officially looks like someone who should be running a blue chip company making high level decisions. Rosco, I am sure that after the first few days when people in your office thought you were being a bum and not shaving, they now treat you with the utmost respect. If they are not calling you sir by now, they should be.
3.) LOU-Ren: Skeeter, I didn’t think you could get any uglier, but you actually pulled it off…. Just kidding big guy (not really)! Skeeter gets points for the unique “Ginger-Bap” colour of his stash and also is in the top 3 because for actually being able to grow a full thick bushel of hair, unlike some others who are further down the list. But Skeeter gets most of his points based on the fact that Jessica said that his stash looks better than Little Buddies!
4.) Little Buddy: Cavan’s stash is definitely a work in progress. We have to give him some leeway based on the age gap between him and the rest of the field, however it is still a pretty bad stash. When Cavan and I were hard at work yesterday afternoon having a 4 hour lunch at a local pub, I think he had some cheese from the nachos stuck in his MO for about half an hour, so that lets us know that even though it is almost transparent, that it actually exists.
5.) Foley: L squared I B S… I am sorry… I tried to get you higher up the list based on the fact that you and your company have raised about a million bucks for Movember, but the fact remains that your mustache blows! Foley does have some admirers of his stash though, the one person that has actually noticed he has pubic hair growing from his upper lip is his own mother… that’s right, when he was recently in the 905 Marge made comment on his stash… good on ya Foley!
6.) Dinner: The Goon of the OTHL actually does have some dirt growing above his lip. When I saw him at the bar after this week’s game I did notice a weird substance up there, but then when I thought of it, I realized it must be a rash caused by eating too many pink tacos.
Tied for 7.) Dan VZ / Santos / Browner / Dunner: You boys are tied for 7th until we see proof that you are MO’s. Santos, even if you are growing a stash, don’t expect to be in the top 5 until you give me a real trade offer in Fantasy hockey. DVZ, I have seen you grow some beauties in my day, so I am looking forward to seeing your progress to date. Browner, you typically have the most facial hair out of anyone I know, except for Dan’s Dad, Franklin Van Zant, so I expect big things out of you too.
Tied for 8.) Nate / Flats / Ronnie: You 2 Irishmen are in last with me. Flats, when I saw you in our drunken state last week, it was obvious that a mustache was not in the “Frat Boy” dress code, so you had opted out. Nate…. Forgive me if you are growing a stash. I did see you at BBall this week….. I don’t believe you had a stash, but it may have just been overshadowed by the Euro twins - Rosco and D-Hib!
So there you have it. The official rankings, courtesy of Ronnie. Clearly, Browner needs to move up the rankings in light of his handlebars. And I have no doubt the DVZ's will eventually put all of ours to shame. Dunner is sending a pic tonight so we'll see where he gets slotted as well. As for D-Hibb dying his duster... That quite frankly is the greatest thing I have ever heard. Simply outstanding.
For those of you who have yet to donate (and judging by the totals we currently have, that includes just about everyone), you can do so by clicking on this link:
You can donate by using your credit card or paypal account. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. And it's to raise money for prostate cancer research. And maybe if our team raises enough money, I'll volunteer to go for a prostate exam and then blog about it... Maybe.
Come on. Have mercy on me. I'm walking around Peru looking like a sexual predator.